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living your wildly naked truth

She Gathers Beauty

Sebastian Leon Prado.png

it’s time for your healing story

My podcast is an invitation to come rest your bones and open your heart by the hearthfire of Life. Join me if you want to live your wildly naked truth! Every Friday I release a new episode savoring topics like longing, belonging, bone knowing, ritual, ceremony, homecoming, love, pleasure, grief, and yes, a deep dive into wild and naked truth—knowing it, retrieving it, living it. 

I’ll dig into why I know pleasure is our divine birthright and is essential always and especially during these challenging times. Pleasure changes our brain and benefits our nervous system. Being and living from a place of pleasure restores vitality and returns us to possibility and a wider, brighter, vision. Making room for some small grace each day can bolster us during times of great change, despair, and the great unknown.

Other topics include:

Poetry and Devotion. Pilgrimage as a devotional practice. The power of choice. And how both are an act of homecoming and tending to the fire in our bones. We don’t have to go far to experience the sacred. We all are made of fire and spark, bone and breath, magic and love. When we remember, we can gather grace and make new healing stories of our lives.

It is my hope that in my storytelling and sacred invitations, you locate some form of inspiration, hope, connection. Maybe even a hallelujah. 

Follow any of the links below to listen in. If you like what you hear, please leave some stars and a favorable review — this helps others find it, too! 

I am honored to share this space with you. Thank you to everyone who has tuned in so far!


Photo by Sebastian Leon Prado