Photo by Taylor Rico. Ring by Jennifer Jesse Smith.

My deepest desire is to walk with you along the edges of your own wild territory so that you can return, again and again, to your sacred center where you feel deeply rooted and vibrant.

Belonging is a desire that lives deep inside each of us and is available when we reach inside our longing to connect with our truth. Knowing and trusting who we are, what we want and value is a courageous act of permission ~ one that life will ask us to embrace and embody over and over again.

We are not meant to dive into these depths alone but instead be accompanied by one who can walk the edges of our interior life with us, lead us with love, experience, & insight, and reflect back to us the wild & holy brilliance of our light.

We are meant to remember our wildness. We are meant to know our holiness. We get to feel safe and at home in our bones, singing over our flesh, calling back soul.

To be sovereign means to fully occupy the entire territory of YOU. If we don’t know both the edges and the center, the passionate heartbeat and the skinspace where air and environment meet, we can’t know the true capacity of our strength, wisdom, medicine, and love, for ourselves, or in connection with others.

We all came to heal because we are healers. My whole-hearted investment is to help reveal the entire “vista” of you ~ the sanctuaries along your borders and the tender tissues within. You are fire and water, earth and sky, and everything in between. You are your ancestors, your longings, and the songs ready to awaken the seeds deep within.

You are a healing story.

if this piques your interest, reach out to me to schedule a free consultation.

If you’re called to work with me you might be asking yourself questions like:

  • I long to know my value, why don’t I?

  • What am I missing?

  • What’s wrong with me?

  • Why don’t I feel like me anymore, or, what would it feel like to just be me?

  • Why do I feel “lackluster?”

  • Why doesn’t anyone want what I have to offer?

  • Where do I belong?

  • How do I begin?

  • How can I connect to something meaningful daily?

  • Why does what I want really matter? How can I trust it? Or myself?

  • How do I connect to my medicine? To my ancestors?

  • What is mine to carry? What is mine to release?

  • Am I too much or not enough?

  • When can I actually start living the life I want to live?

  • Why do I feel lost, unseen, rejected, scared?

  • Why does it feel like I just don’t fit anywhere?

  • What do I do to know my purpose? And then what?

  • Where is home and how do I get there?

  • What’s it like to trust myself, my passion, my path?

  • How can I give myself permission to want what I want when others need me and/or it's easier to tend to their wants instead of my own?

  • What if I lose everything if I say yes to my deepest knowing?

  • How do I say yes?

  • How do I just “let go?”

  • Why can’t I have what I want?

  • Why can’t someone else just give me the answers?

  • How do I summon the courage it will take to make new choices?

I have asked every single one of these questions. Not just once. Many versions. Many times. I get it.

I carry many tools, gathered over the years as I have made camp and journeyed throughout the vast terrain of my own life. I am a woman in my 50’s. Only a few years ago, I gave myself permission to come out, leave my husband and a good life to be with a woman. Something I knew in my bones I could no longer refuse but instead, wanted to take refuge in. I have moved through a lot. Grief and loss and countless “down on my knees” moments. I also know the immensity of my love and joy, gifts and courage.

I carry personal wisdom, seasoned skills, and knowledge, all serving as “match and fire” to ignite and carry fire, guiding the way. I know how to throw sparks into the darkness. I know what it’s like to stand at the beginning and begin. I know what it means to live through endings, and walk in the spaces between.

I weave practical with mystical. I am grounded and know how to walk in both worlds with reverence, devotion, trust, and hope.

I am a shamanic practitioner who spent years as a psychotherapist. I carry the soul of a poet, am a published writer, have earned three master’s degrees, and have been a sacred rebel/entrepreneur for years now. I am a medium and have been referred to as a “modern day mystic.” I carry more tools than I can honestly remember. Until I need them. This is probably true for you, as well.

There are myriad ways I will support you. The important thing I want to share with you now is that your life and longings matters. You are needed here. No matter where you are in your life or what you’re feeling challenged by, I will find the way to remind you that YOU ARE SACRED. I will walk you through initiation, integration, and ceremony.

Because I know it’s important to at least share some bare bones with how I might serve you, a few ways include:

  • Working with the power of words, expression, and building daily altars with language via journaling prompts, storytelling, poetry, writing blessings/prayers/invocations, or any way in which we can weave healing stories into how your thoughts, feelings, and dreams are perceived and utilized (some might call this “rewriting/rewiring your story)

  • Soul retrieval, space clearing, soul essence remembering, psychopomp; meeting and building relationships with your medicine and helping spirits

  • Mindfulness practices

  • Altar, sacred space creation, & ritual work

  • Ceremony to mark life transitions

  • Nervous system regulation

  • Sensual connection & practices

  • Creating daily devotions

Truly, this is such a small list of the kind of work we can do together. I have spent many years trying to create “neat and tidy” offerings that clearly discern this from that, for how long, one time only sessions, or work that happens repeatedly over a certain amount of time. I’ve tried it every which way. I’ve tried to do things the way others do and guess what? It doesn’t work. I know you probably understand. I’m here to walk the edges and return to center in the ways only I can. And this is what I set out to do with you. Because this is what I want for you, as well.

I trust myself, my gifts, you, & your longing.

I know each of us is unique and we need different things at different times. There is no one-size-fits-all kind of offering. My job is to help discern what medicine is needed and how, and then share it in a sustainable, meaningful way that is in alignment with you and your soul’s purpose now.

Perhaps we will only meet once. Perhaps for weeks and months. Perhaps you will come back for check-in’s a few times a year or however/whenever it serves you. Perhaps you will also enjoy joining my women’s circles and retreats. Maybe it will be a feast created with a combination of all of these things and more. I trust we will know. We belong to great knowing.

feel curious? let's schedule a free consultation to discuss how working together will benefit you.